Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fish Dinners are Over!

29 March 2013

Tonight was the last night of serving Fish Dinners during Lent.

While the members of the Lodge who worked to make these dinners successful had a lot of fun doing so none of us are sad to see that the weekly event is finished for this year.

Probably less than 10 % of our members actually came out and helped.  I have not actually compiled a list yet but i do not think we had any more than 11 members show up to help.

It is sad that so few members came to help out their Lodge.  A few members did show up and eat!

1 comment:

  1. It was without a doubt a good time doing this for the last seven weeks. We did well and raised some much needed funds for the Lodge to help with improvements needed to the building as well as some general cleaning.

    It was however sad to see that there weren't more members willing to come out and help while enjoying some great fellowship at the same time all while raising funds for a Lodge which all the members get to use.

    Shawn M. Gorley, JW
